NECAS can make the air show community’s collective body of knowledge available to you. Membership puts you in touch with the people you need to know to organize and provide a safe, entertaining, and profitable air show or act, allowing you to concentrate less on the mechanics and more on the substance of “making things happen”. 


What is NECAS?

NECAS is the Northeast Council of Air Shows, a subsidiary of ICAS, the International Council of Air Shows.

We are a regional organization that represents air show performers, air show event organizers and producers, support service providers, the military and other government regulators. Our purpose is to provide air show professionals in the North Eastern region of North America (U.S. and Canada) enhanced networking, education and leadership opportunities at a grassroots level; and to encourage and assist International Council of Air Shows (ICAS) members in carrying out common objectives to enhance the air show industry regionally and internationally.

NECAS hosts an annual conference that brings together performers, event producers, suppliers and the military to network, share best practices and exemplify why this is one of the best industries to be involved in. Click here to learn about our next conference!

ICAS Safety Creed

NECAS is committed to a safe and sustainable future for the air show industry, both within our region and throughout the air show community.

  • I shall remember first and foremost that spectators place their trust and well-being in my mature judgment and professional actions. I shall continuously strive to be deserving of this trust.
  • I shall not knowingly violate or stand idly by if others violate the spirit of intent of the rules and standards set forth by ICAS or regulatory authorities.
  • I shall work to create an environment that does not invite or promote unsafe actions and do my best to instill these values in my fellow ICAS members.
  • I shall not think in terms of my event or my performance. Any adverse safety circumstances at one event may bring irrevocable consequences to the entire industry. It is our industry and our responsibility.

